Saturday, January 25, 2020
History Of The Corruption In China Politics Essay
History Of The Corruption In China Politics Essay Chinas economic ascendance puts China in a position to have many wonderful prospects. In 2008, Chinas strong economic and political systems seemed to resist the idea of a global economic crisis. Chinas massive growth has enhanced China as an important economic power in the world. With over one billion people and the second largest national economy, China is still controlled by an authoritarian political regime; the Chinese Communist Party. The Chinese Communist Party seems to be able to rule the state and keep a stable and sustainable economy. However, corruption poses a serious hindrance to Chinas economy and political systems. The failure to eliminate political corruption could cause the collapse of Chinas economy and the Chinese Communist Party in the future (Bergsten C. F 2009 P.97). Corruption also causes the biggest disaster in Chinese history, Tiananmen Square Massacre (Harris 2003). In fact, many of the developing nations that have fast economic growth seem to have a lot of p olitical corruption. Perhaps corruption in a fast developing nation is inevitable. Corruption was widespread in Singapore during the 1960s (Quah S.T. P.31). Singapore was one of the serious corruption countries during its economic development. Many of developing countries with the rapid economic growth have different levels of corruption. The argument in this paper is: corruption in authoritarian states is more prevalent than democratic states. And corruption is a deeply ingrained issue, which is not easy to remove in Chinese society and from Chinas government corruption. This paper will introduce the historical background of China after the Chinese Communist Party overthrew the Chinese Nationalist Party and it will address how its culture and people have changed under the leading Chinese Communist Party. In this paper, moreover, Chinese economic reform is the main factors to cause corruption in China (Chow G. C. 2006 P.266). Chinese economic reform is the most important revolution which is different from the original ideology of communism. Because of the economic reform Chinas great economic achievements rely on the new modern- socialist market economy- a mixture of open- market economy and state-owned enterprise. Economic reform, at the same time as political reform, or new directions of the party, has never been engaged before by the Chinese Communist Party. The causal factors of an open- market economy impacted on the new western ideologies, and the social and political climates have changed quickly in China. For these reasons, current Chinese soc iety, culture, and politics are being changed, and it is causing major internal issues, political corruption and other relative crimes. This paper will address and explain how and why Chinas economic reform, and Chinas political system, caused corruption and related crimes in contemporary with China. Also, I would like to introduce the different kinds of corruption in Chinas government and in Chinese society. For example, political corruption has influenced the entire state, as well as the leaders of its government. In China, most influential senior officials and high level business and government positions are held by the elite who have propelled their family members and caused inheritance of their power for next generations. Those powerful people are called princelings party or Crown Prince Party. They and even their relatives control most entrepreneurs, so they are capable of shifting the profits and starting the money laundering out of their state. They are the one who mostly be lieved to be involved in the political corruption in China. An example of this is the biggest political corruption case: the former of party chief Bo Xilais and his families making billions of U.S. dollars by privileged upbringing and political influence (Barboza D. April 23, 2012). Secondly, bribery is another kind of corruption in China. This paper will introduce guanxi, the practice that is such a rule and code to conduct businesses with local business partners. In China, Guanxi used to be widely translated as connections and relationships, which reflects the process and maintaining of interpersonal relationship. Guanxi is a method of exerting power to gain more benefits and it is being used succeefully in all networks of society, such as jobs and business. This paper will also analyze how Guanxi plays an important role in corruption, and more importantly, to analyze the largest amount of smuggling and bribery in Chinese history- the criminal cases of Lai Changxing. Lai Changxing operations were based on his good social networks and Guanxi, and he smuggled over à £3.3 billion, and bribed 64 officials during the 1990s (Watts J. May 18, 2012). There is a wide range of literature on corruption from which to choose, and the literature review in this paper should focus on the definition of general practice of corruption, the different levels of corruption by macro-level, and how corruption practice occurs in authoritarian states. I will explore Chinas individual case with special political and economic orientation. Peter Hays Griess book Chinese Politics: State, Society and the Market, is an excellent source in which to study the specific cases of corruption in China, and how corruption is performed in China. Yan Suns book, Corruption and Market in Contemporary China, researches the authors viewpoints and controversial points in the academic field. Richard McGregors book The Party: The Secret World of Chinas Communist Rules, is an excellent source which reveals the integrity of Chinas Communist Party and the top secret of the central power rule of the Chinese Communist Party. Literature Review Meanings of Corruption Corruption is not a new practice, but one which has existed for many years. There are various definitions of corruption in literature scholars. Corruption currently is a term which used to be studied in philosophy, social science, and political science. In general, to define corruption in academic work is usually in various forms. Klitgaad writes: In ordinary usage, too, corruption embraces a wide array of illicit behaviors, including bribery, extortion, fraud, nepotism, graft, speed money, pilferage, theft, embezzlement, falsification of records, kickbacks, influence-peddling, and campaign contributions. (Klitgaard 1998, P1.). Klitgaard (1998) gives different violations terms to describe corruption. When people are involved in these terms, they could be accused of corruption. In philosophy, corruption is a moral deviation or depravity in human behavior. In economics, it is an exchange between people who give payment to enjoy privileges and receive payment to provide services. Klitgaard (1998) indicates corruption is an illegal act, and it has expended some of terms of crimes. All these criminal activities are too narrow to understand corruption in a particular field of study. But bribery is first term that Klitgarrds (1998) pointing to as a usual term by which many people perceive corruption. By studying particularly regional corruption in this paper, bribery and the mainly characterized of authoritarian regimes, nepotism, are important fields to study in this topic of the paper. Bribery and Briber Bribery is one of the most common terms of thought under the topic of corruption. It is based on the improper acceptance, giving, receiving, offering or solicitation of a gain or advantage from the briber, including the some actions, views, advices, or decisions of a public official, or person in a position of trust, or person bound by a duty to act impartially (Bribery and Corruption Law. 2012). In bribery and corruption law, it notes that it is necessary to understand that bribery is two exchanges with purposes of payment and receiving benefits from each other. Or a person merely attempts to bribe, even though unsuccessfully, could also be considered to be a briber. On one hand, a person who provides implication of money or gift could be defined as a briber. Gifts do not only include objects of value, such as goods and property, but also includes immaterial matters, such as services and emoluments (i.e. salary, fees or other benefits). On the other hand, a person who gains all thes e advantages or materials directly or indirectly from briber could be defined as being involved in bribery. Bribe, as well as corruption, is an illegal act with different levels, and the person may be accused of corruption which is a criminal activity. Low level of Corruption: government official corruption Low level corruption is characterized often by the traffic cop asking for bribes on the street. It undermines peoples trust in political institutions and its leaders. (Kristoff M and Pertio, R May 01, 2010 P.2) There are many scholars who discuss corruption as multi-level, which involve different magnitudes of the bribe. The authors, Kristoff and Pertio (2010) argue two levels of corruption, higher and lower levels of corruption. Low level corruption has a higher impact on the social fabric of society, with small amounts of money or other benefits. It usually takes place in some government officials, institutions, or public organizations. It erodes peoples trust and the public confidence in government. Kristoff and Pertio (2010) think that police corruption is a common corruption in low level of corruption. Police can gain from corruption easily and commonly, which damages the effective security in society. Low level corruption also includes corruption of government official. Government corruption is usually defined that the sale, by government officials, of government property for personal gains. Government officials usually receive bribes from a particular person or a group of people for providing permits or licenses, for giving passage at customs, and for prohibiting the entry of competitors. Also, government officials charge privately the products for their own using. (Shleifer. A and Vishny. R. W. May 1993. P3) In addition, government officials note that the cost of producing goods is immaterial to the official since the government pays this cost. They cover the sale of licenses, passports, or a passage on a government toll- charged road, or a policeman sells services that he is supposed to offer for free, and this exerts personal effort (Shleifer. A and Vishny. R. W. May 1993. P5). The authors, Shleifer and Vishny (1993) clarify how government officials or police offices engage in corruption and provide different offers to bribers. Government officials include particular institutions or organizations by the government, which has an obligation to provide public services, such as educational institutions. These institutions do not have rights to sell any products or services privately, and expropriate any frees by unofficial announcement. Based on the authority of government officials, such as policemen, they may force or inflict the charging fees which are supposed or obligate to be provides free services. In some weak governments, they even sell passports and drivers licenses, as long as people could make a certain payment or provide personal connections within the government. People living under a weak deviant government do not a desk to compliant or report police and government misconduct. This causes some government officials, such as police officers, to provide or to force charging fees for services which are received from the briber. Because there can b e an absolute execution by powerful people, this prevents the right to inspect government procedures and activities. Therefore this results government corruption becoming serious. High Level of Corruption: Political Corruption A high level of corruption usually involves substantial amounts of payment, and it often involves senior levels of government officials. The procurement of high level corruption can deal with the massive amounts of money, but it has a high secrecy from the public. (Kristoff, M Pertio, R May 01, 2010 P.2) Kristoff and Pertio (2010) indicate high level corruption that appears in higher level senior of the government or leading politicians. It has also involves a massive amount of money in procurement. Unlike low level of corruption, high level corruption has a lower impact on society, and people or citizens do not recognize high level corruption on the daily lives. Moreover, some political party in power requires their members to dominate government positions. Its members can be controlling key positions in awarding government contracts with businesses for a price of a briber, and then give money to the party. The illicit activities, including funds or huge infrastructure projects cou ld be funneled into the party (Governance, Corruption and Conflict, 2010, P.12). In this article, the author examines how politicians and businesses corruption and gain benefits. High level of corruption often involves in politicians or political parties who could influence public decisions, politics and rules. It is a common skill for most misconduct political leaders and their party to start political corruption when they are in office. Politicians utilize their political power in a state, and they attempt to dominate all key positions by appointing their party members or even their relatives. Most government contracts are assigned by particular businesses that would have provided bribes to the politicians for getting governmental contracts. For businesses, they could be a huge infrastructure project, such as bridge and freeway. This can be considered as a high level political corruption. Citizens usually cannot recognize the serious political corruption in the state. Therefore, i t causes that high level corruption of political parties and politicians occur in both democratic and autocratic countries. Meanwhile, high level of corruption often occurs in election campaigns in democratic states. In order to remain in office, politician may manipulate election campaigns by corruption related to campaign financing, which is a serious political issue in some states. Some elect officials help the welfare of people in constituencies, in the hopes of getting their votes. For example, a politician may be required to present expensive gifts at a wedding by a supporter in the electoral district. Or a politician may also need to participate wed receptions, birthday parties, celebrations and fund raising ceremonies that can cost huge amounts on elected officials (Myint U. December 02. 2000 P.40). To Myint (2000), high level corruption especially occurs on politicians in some democratic countries. In which the politicians or leaders of states are elected by citizens. Therefore, election campaign contributions are placed in high importance to them. Soliciting financial contributions for the elect ion campaign is extremely important for every candidate because it may very well determine whether or not the candidate wins the election. In order to have sufficient funds for an election, campaign most candidates attempt to draw contributions from the people or from entrepreneurs in the election campaign of their political parties. These rich people, entrepreneurs or dignitary, will provide benefits to the new leaders in the future government. And these benefits may foster many of the connections between leaders and entrepreneurs, which may result in the politicians participating in different gatherings of entrepreneurs. This could cost huge amounts of money to the government. Corruption in Autocracies Corruption in Autocratic and Corruption in Democratic States There are many scholars to argue that corruption in autocratic country is higher than democratic country. According to the article Governance, Corruption and Conflict, one-party system has a higher potential for corruption. This is because of the lack of checks and balances in their countries. Without checks on government and a strong public voice that can cause difficultly if it sees corruption, there will be no one who can accomplish putting pressure on the government for accountability and transparency. There is also the argument that democratic states have lower of corruption. Corruption exists in all societies, but democratic systems have a high check on corruption (Governance, Corruption and Conflict, 2010, P.10). The writer argues that corruption is more prevalent in autocratic states. The authoritarian states have more corruption is not surprising. He explains there are some major factors including the lack of check from the public, no independent media, and no public voice, with the result that widespread corruption cannot be combated efficiently. Most authoritarian states are closed societies in which the government controls newspapers, television broadcasts and internet. Therefore, citizens cannot hold the government to be transparent. The writer states there is no guarantee that a state can free from corruption. But in most democratic states, fair elections and the stronger public voice determine the nature and integrity of the government and the leadership. Corruption can be recognized by citizens based on the structure of government, and people can check government by different ways. Most democratic states have corruption investigations and anti-corruption agencies that can efficiently combat corruptions. But, unlike democratic states, most authoritarian states do not have strong independent commissions to combat and investigate corruption. It concludes that corruptions in autocratic states are higher than corruptions in democratic states. Meanwhi le, the redistributive demands by the poors mute voices and their oppression have little or no effect, when the rich have a direct political power, or easy access to political authorities, in countries with authoritarian regimes (Khagram You. December 09, 2003. P.3). Khagram and You (2003) illustrate that the degree of unequal redistributive demands between two groups of people, the poor and the rich, have different social status, which determines if the people can speak out or not. The rich, with higher social status can express themselves much easier and have easier access to government. Thus, the greater disparity between the poor and the rich, the greater is impact of high corruption in authoritarian or communist countries. Dictatorship corruption In most authoritarian states, a significant contribution to corruption is the deviated behavior of leaders. Authoritarian or totalitarian regimes do not have an institutionalized provision for succession. So, leaders in personalist dictatorships face uncertainty regarding their political futures. In dictatorships, government officials are without a democracys preoccupation and concern about their citizens evaluations. A Dictator can be considered to be a robbery, who steals the state for satisfying their short-term desires and needs, but might ultimately destroy the states economy in the long-term consequences. They completely control public life and maintain resources to benefit its elites and other strategic coalitions (Harmel Yeh 2011 P. 2, Ezrow Frantz 2011 P. 134). Ezrow Frantz (2011) argue that most dictators are only desired to dominate their power in their state and hold most executive positions, or even control their whole state by appointing executive positions. They onl y abuse tangible power for their own interests. Ezrow and Frantz (2011) describe leaders in authoritarian states as robbers, who dare to misappropriate the states natural resources and public lives. Importantly, they also determine to increase their personal wealth. Only corruption can enable them to satisfy their own interests. There are many of State-owned enterprises, such as telecommunications and television broadcasting, when, in fact, the dictator and his elites monopolize these enterprises and embezzle the funds of the state-owned enterprises. On the other hand, citizens live under an authoritarian regime suffer different levels of social control, including information control, cultural control, or even thought control. Thought control, which is one of the social controls, is used by most dictators to consolidate their political power in their states (Oh, K. and Hassig,R.C. 2000 P. 140). Thought control teaches that loyalty to the leader is necessary for every citizen, who sh ould obey their leaders completely. It is similar to a cult of personality where monarchs or leaders are held in reverence. Without the citizens inspection, corruption in authoritarian states cannot be perceived, and this has contributed to rampant dictator corruption. So the dictator and his political corruption is one of the main types of corruption in authoritarian states. Nepotism By discussing the character of corruption in authoritarian or communist regimes, it is important to understand how nepotism is practice in these societies. Communist officials consistently prove that they are corruptible and nepotistic. It is not the first time to notice that nepotism thrives in communist bureaucracies, such as the Soviet nomenklatura, is a famous for nepotism during the 1920s (Bellow July 13, 2004, P.98). Bellow (2004) argues that nepotism is a common term within communist regimes. Some communist states announce that nepotism is a rule for dictators to consolidate their power in a country. In fact, this is an informal and personal mode, which is commonly adopted by government officials and societies in communist countries. The widespread building of nepotism in a social network is important for the governmental elites to hold their positions and enlarge their influence in the government. According to The Clearing House, it clarifies the meanings of nepotism in a nor mal society: Nepotism in Georgia schools, as well as over the nation, is one of the most serious hindrances to the development of a democratic and effective system. On almost every hand we find wives, daughter, sons and in-laws of members of boards of education teaching in our public schools. In many places a system of reciprocity is in vogue where one board member agrees to vote for anothers kin in return for a vote for his own kin. There is nothing good about nepotism. It is unfair to the teacher for it creates envy among other teachers who feel that many earned advances are the result of favoritism (The Clearing House 2005). To the author, nepotism is a serious hindrance to the social network. The author (2005) gives a negative view to nepotism because he thinks that it carries an unequal treatment of people in both democratic countries and in authoritarian countries. Nepotism is a powerful influence for people to have great achievements in jobs and politics. Based on favored groups and social relationships, such as friends or relatives, people engaging in nepotism could be appointed or granted a position, or promoted or employed in government positions, as well as in some enterprises. When people rely on this informal mode, however, it often becomes a significant deviation in most societies, from what is good. It has been usually included in the topic of corruption, because nepotism carries many of conveniences which characterize the one who is bribed and the briber who corrupts others. Methodology I began the research by reading a lot of books and journal articles that consisted of topics relating to corruption, such as corruption in China, and political corruption in China. By understanding the characteristics of Chinas corruption, I should first study general corruption in the world, and how different practical modes of corruption are used in different states. Second, corruption in similar regimes has similar features, so corruption in both authoritarian and communist states should be discussed in this topic. Most authoritarian and communist states have similar political systems, such as one-party system or dictatorship. To succeed in this paper, it is important to know the factors of a topic, Corruption in China, including the contribution of Chinese economic reform, the Chinese political system, and Chinas society today. I have also gathered all information for this paper by accessing most sources from online to find media sources which include Google scholar, ProQuest, Le xisNexis, JSTOR and some of Chinas websites, such as China Daily. Using Google scholar to search primary sources mostly, it widely provides numerous relevant articles. And some websites including CNN International, South China Morning Post, New York Times and China Daily provide many useful cases that I can study for this paper. For example, the case of former of party Chief Bo Xilai and his families who stole billions of U.S. dollars. And the case of Lai Changxing, who bribed numerous of officials and smuggled products with values of billions of pounds.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Biography of Aldous Huxley Essay
Aldous Leonard Huxley was born on July 26, 1894 in Surrey, England, as the third son of Dr. Leonard Huxley and Julia Arnold. Huxley was born into a long line of scientists and intellectuals. His grandfather Thomas Henry Huxley had the nickname ââ¬Å"Darwinââ¬â¢s Bulldogâ⬠for his fierce defense of evolutionary science and for his passion for teaching Victorian scientific advancements to Britainââ¬â¢s working classes. Aldous Huxley was also related to the poet Matthew Arnold on his motherââ¬â¢s side of the family. These two disciplines, literature and science, converged at the end of the Victorian era and characterize Huxleyââ¬â¢s own career and ambitions as an author, journalist, and humanist. Educated at Eton, Aldous Huxley was forced to leave the school at the age of seventeen due to an affliction of the eyes. He was partially blind for two or three years and therefore was unable to complete the rigorous scientific training he had undertaken. Though problems with his eyes would remain with him for the rest of his life, Huxley was able to attend Oxford where he received a degree in English literature. Huxleyââ¬â¢s career began in journalism and included music and artistic criticism as well as book reviews. He also began writing poems, essays, and historical pieces. Huxleyââ¬â¢s first introduction to British intellectual society occurred while working as a farm laborer at Garsington Manor, the site of the ââ¬Å"Bloomsbury Society,â⬠a group of public intellectuals that included Bertrand Russell. There he would marry Maria Nys and they would have one child, Matthew Huxley. He also wrote his first book, a volume of poetry called The Burning Wheel. While working as an editor for ââ¬Å"House and Gardenâ⬠during the1920s, Huxley wrote many novels including Brave New World. Huxley spent several years in Italy where he formed a friendship with D.H. Lawrence. They would remain close friends and Huxley would later edit Lawrenceââ¬â¢s collected letters after his death. In 1937, Huxley moved back to the United States to live in Hollywood, California, where he helped write scripts for several Hollywood movies of the time, although he never had a lasting career in movies. After World War II, he famously became involved with the early psychedelic drug movement. Huxley was an early proponent of the use of LSD, mescaline, and peyote for their mind-altering effects. His 1954 book The Doors of Perception argued that through the use of psychedelic drugs, people would be able to ââ¬Å"cleanseâ⬠the doors of perception in order to embrace the infinite reality of the world. A controversial figure for most of his life, Huxley died from cancer on November 22, 1963, only hours after President John F. Kennedyââ¬â¢s assassination in Dallas, Texas. By the time of his death, he was embraced in some circles as an intellectual and writer of the highest class, especially for his creation of the dystopian fantasy in his novel Brave New World and his engagement of the theme of commercialization in modern society. Others, however, saw him as a pseudo-scientist for his work in mystical traditions and his insistence on experiencing alternate realities through meditation, Eastern religions, and drug use. For his accomplishments, Huxley received the Award of Merit for the Novel from the American Academy of Arts and Letters in 1959.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
List Of Books War Of The Worlds - 1490 Words
List of books War of the Worlds The Haunting of Hill House Bird Box Pen Pal The Other Side of the Sky A Christmas Carol Touching Spirit Bear The Gunslinger The Hitchhikerââ¬â¢s Guide to the Galaxy Haunting of Hill House Eleanor and Theodora (Theo) are invited by Dr. Montageau to Hill House, and Luke is there to supervise them. Shortly after they get there Eleanor starts hearing noises in the hallways, and paranormal phenomena start to occur. Days later, Eleanor starts to hear noises in the hallways, and goes out there, and looses her marbles. She hears her mother, and goes insane. She climbs up the tower of the house. Eventually the other members of the house talk her out of doing it, but is kicked out. She begs not to go, as it was theâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The narrarator takes his wife to a safe space till the invasion is over, and he goes toward the martians. The narrarator realises that the martians are scary and he hides in a house where he meets and artillaryman, but they get seperated, then he meets a curate, but they get trapped in a house with the martians camping outside. The martians kill the curate. The narrator realises that the aliens are dead because of disease. He meets his wife and they live happily ever after. Hitchikerââ¬â¢s Guide to the Galaxy Arthur Dentââ¬â¢s house is about to get destroyed for a street to be built, just like Earth is to build an intergalactic highway. This is when Arthurââ¬â¢s friend, Ford Prefect comes in and transfers them to an alien spaceship, where they are thrown out, but are accidentally saved by Fordââ¬â¢s friends, Zaphod Beeblebrox, Trillian, and their sarcastic robot, Marvin. They discover the mythical planet of Magrathea. Zaphod, Trillian and Ford go down in a mine, leaving Marvin and Arthur to watch guard. Arthur is abducted by a weird old man named Slartibartfast who reveals that Earth was built by rats, and its purpose was to find The Question for which the answer was 42. Slartibartfast attempts to cut open Arthurââ¬â¢s brain open to find it, but he was saved by the rest of the gang and head out for a meal at the restaurant at the end of the universe. Bird Box A mysterious creature makes anything that sees it go insane, in any means, and kill anyoneShow MoreRelatedSeptember Crisis : The World s Descent Into War Essay946 Words à |à 4 PagesT.G. Otte, July Crisis: The Worldââ¬â¢s Descent into War, Summer 1914, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2014, 533 pp. If someone were to quiz members of the general public on what led the First World War, the prevailing answer would most likely be the assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand without much elaboration. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Perl Array Shift() Function Quick Tutorial
Theà shift()à function in aà Perlà script takes the following syntax: Perls shift() function is used to remove and return the first element from an array, which reduces the number of elements by one. The first element in the array is the one with the lowest index. Its easy to confuse this function with pop(), which removes the last element from an array. It also should not be confused withà the unshift() function which is used to add an element to the beginningà of an array. Example of Perls Shift() Function If you think of an array as a row of numbered boxes, going from left to right, it would be the element on the far left. The shift() function would cut the element off the left side of the array, return it, and reduce the elements by one. In the examples, the value of $oneName becomes Larry, the first element, and myNames is shortened to (Curly, Moe). The array can also be thought of as a stack - picture of a stack of numbered boxes, starting with 0 on the top and increasing as it goes down. The shift() function would shift the element off the top of the stack, return it, and reduce the size of the stack by one.
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